Freedom CA 2E to CA ERwin ERD - Fix Notes Version 1.0 *********** New release. Version 1.1 *********** DGM 30/01/2004 Intermitent Security Error Error HFU0239 was being incorrectly reported with the following parameters: &1 = 99999999 &2 = 1005 &3 = *BLANK Version 2.0 *********** DGM 22/11/2004 Allow term based licencing Version 2.1 *********** DGM 02/12/2004 Fix duplicate tags When more than one page of Narrative text is defined for a data model object it would incorrectly generate a new tag without the corresponding tag for each page. DGM 01/03/2005 Shareware Limit changed In past versions the generator would stop mid-generation once the limit of 5 entities had been generated. This produced an XML file that could not be imported into Allfusion ERwin. This has been changed to now continue to generate the XML file, but exclude the attributes and relationships once the limit has been reached. The resultant XML file can then be imported into Allfusion ERwin. DGM 01/03/2005 XML Special Escape Characters Embedded XML special escape characters - such as '&' - were not being converted to the correct entity reference - such as '&'. This has been fixed so that all XML escape characters are converted correctly. DGM 01/03/2005 Subject Area Generation Application Areas can now be exported from Allfusion 2E. They are imported into Allfusion ERwin as Subject Areas and will contain the selection of entities as defined in the Application Area in Allfusion 2E. DGM 01/03/2005 < Implicit Entities > Subject Area Freedom/ERwin exports all details for the explicitly selected entities in the Allfusion 2E data model. Implicit entities are those included as a result of a relationship from an explicit entity. For implicit entities only the key file entries are exported as attributes. To make implicit entities more visible in the Allfusion ERwin data model we have included a new default subject area - called < Implicit Entities >. Implicit entities will be added to this subject area during the generation of the export XML file. DGM 01/03/2005 STR File Attributes Earlier releases of Freedom/ERwin were not defining the attributes of STR files correctly and as a result any includes relationships were not defining the attributes of the STR file correctly. This has now been resolved. DGM 01/03/2005 Increased Limit on Number of Files An array is used to store processed files which had a limit of 1000 entries. This has been increased to allow 9999 files to be processed. DGM 12/03/2005 Fixed array overflow issue in program YGENXMLY. DGM 14/03/2005 Fixed issue with incorrect HTML entity of "e; Version 2.2 *********** DGM 26/05/2006 Fix narratives Add narrative for fields. Include Operational narrative text as file and field notes. Other object types do not support multiple narratives. DGM 26/05/2006 Drop Leading 0's from Field Dimensions Leading 0's were generated for field dimensions - these are now removed. DGM 26/05/2006 Fix Subject Area Sequence The closing element for Subject Area Groups was incorrectly placed in the generated XML document. DGM 26/05/2006 Softcode the statement in a dataarea. To make it easier for supporting multiple languages the statement will be softcoded into a dataarea so that it can be easily changed by users. The dataarea is HERWXMLRFA and is located in the product library by default. At runtime it is retrieved from the library list. DGM 03/08/2006 Change export of PACKED so that the physical is DECIMAL and not CHAR. Generation of packed for physical model is now DECIMAL. DGM 03/08/2006 Implicit Enitities drawing details issue Fixed the placement of the drawing object for entities that were implicitly selected. DGM 03/08/2006 For an assimulated file use the original implementation names for the fields. Allfusion ERwin has an option to specify an override system name for the physical implementation of entity attributes. This has been used to store the original assimilated physical file entry DDS name - which means that forward engineering will pick up the correct field name. DGM 03/08/2006 Import of application area as a subject area fails when select files have not been explicitly selected for export. This has been fixed by checking that entities have been explicitly selected for application files before associating them with the subject area. Version 3.0 *********** DGM 01/02/2011 Entries from Includes relations being dropped in Physical data model STR files and Includes relations were marked as Logical Only on export from CA 2E. This means that when viewing the Physical data model in CA ERwin after import the table and related columns from the STR files and Includes relations were being dropped. This has been fixed by marking STR files and Includes relations for inclusion in both the Logical and Physical data model. DGM 01/02/2011 Read Only attribute for certain XML elements removed On certain XML elements the generation of RO="Y" as an attribute was causing incorrect information to be imported. This attribute has been removed from all XML elements on export from CA 2E. DGM 01/02/2011 Command level help text Pressing F1 when prompting the HCRTERWERD command was not displaying any help text. The command help from the User Guide has been created as a Panel Group and associated with the HCRTERWERD command so that product documentation is now available when using the F1=Help on the HCRTEERWERD prompt. DGM 01/02/2011 Support for IBM i6.1 and Beyond Certain objects did not have sufficient information to enable migration to IBM i6.1 and beyond. This has been rectified and all objects can now be successfully migrated to IBM i6.1 and beyond. DGM 01/02/2011 Support for IBM i5.1 and earlier The tool can no longer be installed on IBM i5.1 or earlier as we have prepared the tool to support customers on the newer releases. DGM 01/02/2011 Support for CA ERwin 7.3 and Beyond At CA ERwin 7.1 the XML format and structure was changed significantly and the previous releases of this tool could not generate XML for CA ERwin 7.1 or later. CA changed the format and structure of the XML interface at CA ERwin 7.3 and we have re-written the tool to support the version of XML interface at CA ERwin 7.3. Support for AllFusion ERwin 4.1 is still available in the re-written tool via an option on the HCRTERWERD command. CA ERwin 7.1 is not supported for direct import via Freedom/ERwin. If you wish to continue to use CA ERwin 7.1, then you will need to import the XML into AllFusion ERwin 4.1 and save the model as an “.er1” file so that it can opened in CA ERwin 7.1. Otherwise you can upgrade to CA ERwin 7.3 where direct import is supported. This is due the significant issues and changes required around the new XML format in CA ERwin 7.1. DGM 01/02/2011 Relations Names in CA ERwin CA 2E relationships are inverse to those defined in CA ERwin and earlier versions of this tool did not invert the CA 2E relation names to map correctly to CA ERwin relations. A new optional parameter on the HCRTERWERD command allows the user to specify whether or not relation names are to be inverted during generation of the XML. DGM 01/02/2011 Relation Verb Phrases CA ERwin 7.3 enables relation verb phrases to be specified for both the parent-to-child and child-to-parent direction of relationships. A new optional parameter on the HCRTERWERD command allows the user to specify whether or not additional verb phrases are to be generated. AllFusion ERwin 4.1 does not support the parent-to-child verb phrase so specifying *PARENT or *ALL for the parameter will not result in the parent-to-child verb phrases being generated. This is because AllFusion ERwin 4.1 uses the information in the relationship name to load the parent-to-child verb phrase. DGM 01/02/2011 Access Path Key Groups The key fields for CA 2E access paths are now capable of being exported as CA ERwin key groups. A new optional parameter on the HCRTERWERD command allows the user to specify whether or not access paths are to be exported as key groups. Only key fields and ascending or descending sequence are exported for CA 2E access paths. Other attributes of CA 2E access paths are not supported in the default templates of CA ERwin. DGM 01/02/2011 Domain Default Values Support for exporting CA ERwin domain default values has been provided with a new optional parameter on the HCRTERWERD command. In order to mimic the behaviour of CA 2E as much as possible within CA ERwin 7.3, the domain default values are not cascaded from domain down to attributes. AllFusion ERwin 4.1 does not support the ability to disable the cascading of domain defaults to attributes. DGM 01/02/2011 Domain Validation Values Support for exporting CA ERwin domain validation values has been provided with a new optional parameter on the HCRTERWERD command. In order to mimic the behaviour of CA 2E as much as possible within CA ERwin 7.3, the domain validation rules are not cascaded from domain down to attributes. AllFusion ERwin 4.1 does not support the ability to disable the cascading of domain validation rules to attributes. DGM 01/02/2011 Support for CA 2E pre-8.0 The tool no longer works with pre-8.0 versions of CA 2E data models. Although the tool may work for some earlier versions, it is not supported and the exported XML may contain corruption entries. Version 3.1 *********** DGM 01/04/2012 Support for CA ERwin 8.0 and Beyond At CA ERwin 8.0 the XML format and structure was changed significantly and the previous releases of this tool could not generate XML for CA ERwin 8.0 or later. CA changed the format and structure of the XML interface at CA ERwin 8.0 and we have re-written the tool to support the version of XML interface at CA ERwin 8.0. Support for AllFusion ERwin 4.1 and 7.3 are still available in the re-written tool via an option on the HCRTERWERD command. DGM 01/04/2012 STR File Entries not resolved STR file entries were not being expanded correctly in some circumstances. This has been fixed to expand STR entries correctly. DGM 01/04/2012 ACP Keys not generating correct sequence When ACP keys are defined in CA 2E in a non-sequential sequence such that sequence numbers are skipped the resulting XML would not import correctly. This has been resolved to allow for non-sequential key sequences in CA 2E. DGM 01/04/2012 Old DDS Names not exporting When generating for CA ERwin 7.3 the element name for old DDS names was not being correctly exported. This has been resolved so that old DDS names can now be exported for CA ERwin 7.3. DGM 01/04/2012 Domain Validation Values In some cases the generated XML would not import correctly. This has been fixed. DGM 01/04/2012 Domain Default Values In some cases the generated XML would not import correctly. This has been fixed. Version 3.1.3 ************* DGM 12/01/2013 Large Library List Support Support for large job library lists has been implemented. Version 3.1.4 ************* DGM 19/05/2015 Fix Implicit Entities for CA ERwin 8.x Implicit entities were being generated for CA ERwin 7.x when they should have been generated for 8.x. Version 3.2 *********** DGM 01/10/2016 Support for CA ERwin 9.x Changes to support the generation of CA ERwin 9.x compliant XML. Version 3.3 *********** DGM 21/11/2016 Fix Assimilated File Attribute Names Assimilated file attributes would have both a Physical Name and System Name specified to capture the CA 2E field DDS name and original file DDS name. This causes problems when generating SQL Schema from the ERwin model so we have reverted to using just the Physical Name which captures the original file DDS name for the attributes. Resultant SQL Schema produces a table very similar to the original file that was assimilated into CA 2E. DGM 21/11/2016 Convert NUMBER Datatype to NUMERIC NUMBER datatype has been incorrectly specified for zoned numeric fields and IBM i DB2 generation. NUMERIC is now used for zoned numeric fields. DGM 21/11/2016 Includes Relationship Constraint Generation Includes relationships are specific to CA 2E and have been implemented using another feature of CA ERwin. When generating SQL Schema for a table that has an Includes relationship it is incorrectly generating a constraint that is not correct. Includes constraints are now excluded from being generated in ERwin. This fix does not apply to CA ERwin 4.x. DGM 21/11/2016 STR File Generation STR files are being incorrectly generated when generating SQL Schema from CA ERwin. STR files are now excluded from being generated in ERwin. This fix does not apply to CA ERwin 4.x. Version 3.4 *********** DGM 19/04/2017 Inheriting Domain Properties Domain properties were not being inherited correctly when changed in the ERwin model. This has been fixed. DGM 19/04/2017 Narrative Text Change for CA ERwin 9.x Narrative text was not being generated correctly for ERwin 9.x. This has been fixed. DGM 22/04/2017 Fix Subject Area Includes All Entities Subject Areas when added were including all entities in the model by default. This has been changed so that only selected entities are included int he Subject Area. Version 3.5 *********** DGM 11/06/2018 Inheriting Domain Properties This change that was implemented in v3.4 is now being converted to an option on the command - and will default to not inherit domain properties. If you wish to retain the behaviour introduced in v3.4, then you will need to specify that domain properties are to be inherited on the command.